Monday, September 29, 2008

Funny Bed Pictures

Can anyone see the tired boy?
Colleen and Kellen under the bed
Colleen giving paybacks for all the time Kellen pulls her hair

Kellen has been sleeping in his toddler bed for over a week now. He has been doing really well and never really gets out.

Sometimes Kellen does get out and you can see from the pictures - he puts everyone in bed with him. It is almost like a "Where's Waldo" with Kellen.

Colleen and Kellen have also found how much fun it is to hide under Kellen's bed. I don't like it too much - but how can I really stop them?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bye Bye Crib! Hello Toddler Bed.

Kellen's new "big boy" bed. His old crib converts to a toddler bed
Kellen sleeping like an angel in his new bed

Today we said good bye to Kellen's crib and welcomed his new "big boy" bed.

Jeff and I had wanted to keep Kellen in his crib for a bit longer, but this morning Kellen FLIPPED out of bed. Yes - he flipped right out over the side and onto his back. He cried....I cried....and I said no more crib!
Kellen did great in his first night in his toddler bed. I told him once he got into bed, he could not get out. He put up a good fight getting into bed, but once there - he stayed. He didn't get out - not even to get his Chicken Little doll that fell on the floor. (he cried for me to come get it)
I hope that his good nights continue and he doesn't take after Colleen - who would get undressed and redressed in very interesting things while in her room!

Kids New Haircuts!

"Like me new hair cut?"
Kellen's new thing is saying "tah dah" and putting his arms out
"Like my new hair cut? I got over an inch cut!"

Jeff and Kellen were in desperate need of getting their hair cut. So we decided to take the whole family over to the barber shop - after school on Tuesday
I wanted Colleen to get her hair cut also, but she was refusing...saying princesses only had long hair.
After Kellen did a great job getting his hair cut, Colleen hopped off her chair and said "I'm next!"
We were shocked.
So, everyone except for Mommy got their hair cut.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Colleen's 1st T-Ball Game

Colleen posing with her princess bat
Colleen ready to play t-ball

Colleen getting some good advice from Coach Daddy
Jeff and Colleen
Colleen sitting on the bleachers
Colleen and her team listening to Coach Jeff (Daddy)
Jeff giving the kids their position assignments
Kellen relaxing, watching is DVD and eating snacks
Colleen ready for the ball out in the field

Colleen cooling off with some cold water on her head
Jeff showing Colleen how to hit

Colleen taking her swing

Colleen running to first base
Colleen running home
Colleen getting high-five from Jeff at home plate

Colleen was supposed to be catcher in the last inning, but the game was called early. She looks real happy, doesn't she?

Colleen's 1st T-Ball game was today and she had a really great time, especially since her Daddy (Jeff) was her coach!
The game was SOOOO hot, about 95 degrees today, so it was really hard to keep the kids motivated, but Jeff did a great job and they ended up calling the game early.

Here are a few pictures from all the fun!

Colleen's 1st Soccer Game

Colleen ready to play soccer
Getting a pep talk from Coach Paul
"Somethings in my eye"
Waiting for throw in
Looks like Colleen is thinking about kicking the ball

Colleen doing cartwheels during the game
Colleen getting the pass from her teammate
Colleen running
Colleen cooling her legs off

Colleen cheering her teammates on
Colleen LOVES running
Nice action shot
Colleen giving shaking hands with the other team
Final cheer with Coach Paul

Colleen had her very 1st soccer game on Saturday and she had a GREAT time!
Colleen started the game, along with three of her teammates. She loved running around, but still isn't quite sure what to do when she gets to the ball. (I think her Aunts are going to have to help out with that one!)
When Colleen wasn't on the field, she loved sitting on the sidelines, pouring water on her legs to cool them down and cheer for her team. GO STEAMERS!

Kellen did great during the game. I brought a portable DVD player so he watched that and ate snacks while Colleen played. Kellen did get into the cheers at the end of the game.

They both LOVED snack time when the game was over.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our visit to the Firehouse!

Ryan is the very nice firefighter who gave us our tour. He was extremely nice, even when the kids didn't warm up to him at first.
In the beginning, Colleen was very shy...but you can see her come out of her shell towards the end of our visit
Look, she can almost touch the pedals
"I can drive this, no problem"
Colleen LOVED driving the trucks
Kellen's future profession?
"What happens if I turn this key?"
"I want that one for Christmas"
"I locked the keys in the truck"
"I don't need help getting up on this truck"

Kellen driving the big rescue truck
Colleen driving the rescue truck
Kellen driving the water truck
Colleen driving the water truck
Kellen, Colleen and I riding in the water truck

If you ask Colleen what she wants to be when she grows up...9 times out of 10 she will say "Fireman"

Colleen LOVES everything to do with firemen and is always asking to watch her favorite show "Fireman Sam" on PBS Sprout.

So, I asked Mr. Bill if he could arrange for a tour of the local fire station. He called up a friend who works at the Ellicott City station and got us a tour today.

The kids had a great time and Colleen loved learning about the trucks...and both kids LOVED driving the trucks.

It was a really great time - Thank you Mr. Bill!