Friday, May 30, 2008

Colleen's revised picture

We loved the picture of Colleen from the inner harbor - except for the jogger - that we asked Jeff's brother, Mike, if he could fix it (he is a graphic artist)

He fixed it. What do you think of it now?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Colleen and Kellen - Memorial Day 2008

Daddy showing Colleen how to hit

Home run!

Daddy showing Kellen how to hit

Kellen did pretty well for his 1st time

Kellen with the soccer ball

I love this picture.....Kellen wanted the soccer ball, but also refused to drop the dandelions!

Kellen got sick of playing soccer and was attempting to golf instead

After a tiring morning....Kellen hopped on his ride and headed home!

Happy Memorial Day!

We hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and enjoyed the Monday off.

Since we had a very busy weekend, we decided to take it easy today and not do too much. Jeff and Kellen went out to the store (early in the morning) and picked up some much needed milk and some yummy donuts as a surprise!

Later we took the kids down to the school so we could play soccer and t-ball. Both kids loved being able to swing the bat and hit the balls around. I even got a kick out of hitting some balls too - and Colleen was great at shagging them for me.

Everyone took naps in the afternoon - especially me since my allergies were really getting to me. I don't think I have taken a 3 hour nap in AGES! Thanks Benadryl!

All in all we had a really great weekend. The only problem was our garage breaking on Saturday - with MY car stuck inside. But luckily that was easily resolved with the help of Jeff's buddy...who happens to be a contractor!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pumphrey Family Cookout

Kellen in his Hawaiian shirt, ready for the BBQ

Colleen dressed up in her party dress and her new shoes

Cousins enjoying the food

Kellen showing Pop how he eats like a "big boy"

Gwyn doing the monkey bars

Colin doing the monkey bars

Colleen wanted to do the monkey bars, but reconsidered

Gwyn laying on the monkey bars

Kids posing for a picture

Today we hosted a Pumphrey Family Cookout!

Grammy and Pop came over....Grammy bringing tons of fruit and her yummy macaroni salad. Uncle Mike, Gwyn and Colin came over too....bringing hot dogs and stuff too

We had a great time and here are a few pictures from our day!

Fun Time at the Inner Harbor and Science Center

Colleen and Kellen at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore

Colleen laughing at Mommy trying to take her picture

I love this picture, not only for the cute kids, but also for the awesome backdrop!

This was a great picture of Colleen....too bad the jogger got in the way!

Colleen finally giving Mommy a cute smile

Kellen's hair looks almost blonde, now that it has been cut short

Kellen not quite sure what to think of his crazy parents yelling at him to smile.

Saturday after gymnastics class, we decided to head downtown to the inner harbor and the Maryland Science Center.

It was such a beautiful day and the kids had a great time. Because it was so beautiful, I couldn't resist the opportunity to try and take some nice pictures of the kids, so I can finally send out updated pictures to all our friends and family.

Colleen LOVED the visiting the science center and seeing the dinosaurs. She also enjoyed all the fun things in "Newton's Alley" I know we will be going back very soon!

After leaving the science center, we walked around the harbor and Colleen got very excited when she saw the pirate ship coming into dock. Perhaps when she is older we will take her on that. Kellen was mesmerized by the singing at The Fudgery. Colleen liked the singing too....but enjoyed the free samples of fudge even more!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rainy Day at the Park

Kellen playing with Finn

All the kids enjoying the yummy ice cream cake!

I love this picture of Sabina with her hair flying and her laughing so hard

Cute picture of Mike and Finn

Another picture of everyone enjoying the ice cream cake

Colleen really loved it and wore some on her jacket!

Today we met up with some old friends and their families at the park on Route 100. Earlier in the week it was looking like it was going to be a great day - Sunny and 70 degrees.....but when today rolled around, what a different story. It was about 62 degrees, windy and rainy!

We still managed to have the kids play on the playground and get tired out before the rain really started coming down. I think we all had a fabulous time. It was so nice seeing the Baurs, the Whittakers and the Gill/Guzeks. We really need to do it a lot more often.

Happy Birthday Sabina! The ice cream cake was so awesome......we all LOVE Jeff for getting that for you.....The kids especially!

We didn't take many pictures, but here are a few that we did - towards the end of the day!

Kiely's T-Ball Game

"I love my brother"

"I've got your shoe!"

Kids on the swings

All the kids enjoying their special snacks

Kiely on deck!

On Saturday, Aunt LaLa called and asked if we wanted to come down and watch Kiely play t-ball. We didn't have anything else planned and it was such a wonderful day, we said YES.

Kiely did a really great job at her game. She had some really wonderful hits.....she did a great job at 1st base.....and the funniest thing was when she ran home and slid - when she was actually playing 3rd base (I think she forgot)

After the game the kids went to the playground across the parking lot and even got a special ice cream treat from Aunt LaLa when the ice cream truck came. Thank you Aunt LaLa!

Here are a few pictures from the fun time!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pizza! Pizza!

I just thought it was funny - the way the kids were eating their pizza the other night. They both took the cheese off and ate it....then proceeded to eat the rest of the pizza.

The only difference is that Kellen made a MUCH bigger mess than Colleen.

Funny Colleen stuff is that she loves homework. No, her preschool is not giving her homework....I bought her a huge preschool activity book that she loves to work on every night. She is practicing her letters, matching, etc. She calls it her homework - so lets hope that she keeps the same enthusiasm when she actually reaches real school!

Kellen is doing great. Just had his 18th month checkup and he is getting bigger and bigger with each visit. The funny thing with this visit is that they were trying to weigh him and he wouldn't sit still. He also wouldn't give up his Cheeze-Its either! So funny to see him getting weighed on the scale with two handfuls of them. He also passed the pre-screening questionnaire for Autism....a big relief for us!

Tea Party at Aunt Ti Ti's

Emily and Colleen at their Tea Party

Colleen protecting her jelly beans

Picasso....aka Kellen

With all the family events that have been going on last week (with the sudden death of our Aunt Mary) we really didn't have the chance to plan anything for Mother's Day.

Katie came up with a great have a special Grandmommy Tea Party at her house for Mother's Day....very spontaneous. The girls loved dressing up in their lovely dresses and eating the special treat of jelly beans (thanks Aunt Ti Ti)

While the girls and Grandmommy were having their Tea Party, Kellen went right for the crayons and Emily's easel. He had a blast coloring while the girls had their tea party!