Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Colleen and Kellen - Memorial Day 2008

Daddy showing Colleen how to hit

Home run!

Daddy showing Kellen how to hit

Kellen did pretty well for his 1st time

Kellen with the soccer ball

I love this picture.....Kellen wanted the soccer ball, but also refused to drop the dandelions!

Kellen got sick of playing soccer and was attempting to golf instead

After a tiring morning....Kellen hopped on his ride and headed home!

Happy Memorial Day!

We hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and enjoyed the Monday off.

Since we had a very busy weekend, we decided to take it easy today and not do too much. Jeff and Kellen went out to the store (early in the morning) and picked up some much needed milk and some yummy donuts as a surprise!

Later we took the kids down to the school so we could play soccer and t-ball. Both kids loved being able to swing the bat and hit the balls around. I even got a kick out of hitting some balls too - and Colleen was great at shagging them for me.

Everyone took naps in the afternoon - especially me since my allergies were really getting to me. I don't think I have taken a 3 hour nap in AGES! Thanks Benadryl!

All in all we had a really great weekend. The only problem was our garage breaking on Saturday - with MY car stuck inside. But luckily that was easily resolved with the help of Jeff's buddy...who happens to be a contractor!

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