Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sunday School Starts

We signed Colleen up for Church school on Sunday mornings.

She has been very inquisitive about God and Jesus, so with thought it would be perfect for her to attend classes while Jeff and I are at church.

Her first day of class was 09/23/07 and she was so excited to go. As soon as she woke up in the morning, she asked when she was going.

Every day since class, she askes if it is a "school day" or a "church school day"

Colleen also LOVES going to Church School because her cousin Emily and her best friend Natalie are in her class

Cousin Ben Comes to Play

Since Sue and Bill decide to get a new dining room set, and we didn't have one, they asked if we would like to have their old one.


Our dining room was being used as a play room for the kids, specifically as Colleen's tea party room.

Jeff and I picked out new fabric for the dining room chairs and Sue came down to help us recover them and she brought Ben with her to play with Colleen.

The cousins played very well and had a great time together. At the end of the visit, Sue asked Ben to go to the potty. He refused. So I said "Let's see who can get to the potty first, Ben or Colleen"

It was a mad dash to the potty and you can see from the picture who was first.

Kellen is Teething

Kellen had been pretty miserable for a couple days and Jeff and I didn't know why.

So one day I decided to check out his teeth again. We knew that he had his top two teeth coming in, but they seemed to be bothering him more than his bottom two.

Low and behold, he doesn't have his top two teething coming in, it is his top FOUR. Poor little guy!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Terrific Ticket Winner

Colleen loves her new class in day care. She is now a "Cat"

In her new classroom, the kids get tickets when they do something nice - like helping a friend, helping the teacher or cleaning up toys.

Each week, there is a Terrific Ticket Winner, the one child who has the most tickets for the week.

Surprise Surprise, Colleen won!

The Blog Begins

After seeing all my friends blogs, I have finally decided to create a blog of my own!

This way, everyone can see how the kids are doing and see pictures whenever they want, without having to wait for my monthly pictures.