Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kellen Carving Pumpkins

Sunday was the first time for Kellen carving pumpkins.

Kellen really wasn't sure what to make of the whole thing and really didn't want to stick his hands into the mush.

After Jeff forced his hand into the pumpkin, Kellen realized that he liked the mushy mess and had a great time hallowing out the pumpkins.

You will see in one picture, Kellen also tried to eat the seeds!

Colleen Carving Pumpkins

Colleen was VERY excited to carve her pumpkin on Sunday. Well, that is until she learned what we were going to do.

Colleen picked up the pumpkin carver and asked "What is this for Mommy?"

I replied "To cut the pumpkin and help turn it into a jack - o - lantern"

Colleen, with such concern in her voice said "But Mommy, it will hurt it's skin!"

She quickly got passed that after I "explained" that it wouldn't hurt the pumpkin.

Dress Up Time for Grammy & Pop

Since Jeff's parents live 30 minutes away, we decided to dress the kids up in their costumes on Sunday and take them up to visit with Grammy and Pop

Kellen was dressed up like a lion and Colleen was a princess....Princess Aurora to be exact.

Sleepy Sundays

Colleen loves spending her Sundays with Daddy since he is usually gone working football games every Saturday.

Colleen LOVES to cuddle!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cute Things from the Kids

The kids have been doing some really cute things recently, so I thought I would share.

Colleen says the funniest things. Like this morning she said "Mommy, you know when someone falls in the water?" I replied "Yes" She reponds "They end up having water all over them"

She is brilliant!

We saw a fire truck on the way home from school and Colleen asked if it was going to go save a kitty that was stuck in a tree. Daddy had told her that firemen put out fires and help kittens that are stuck in trees.

I don't know if anyone else has seen the commercial for "Moon Sand" but Colleen LOVES it. So the other night, the commercial comes on and before the announcer lists all the "fun" things about Moon Sand, Colleen says to me "Mommy, it doesn't dry out!". Then two seconds later she says "We can keep it forever!"

Kellen has been doing some VERY cute things also. He has been waving bye-bye for a while. But it is really funny when I pick him up from school and the first thing he does is wave bye-bye to his teachers, as if he is prompting me to hurry up and take him home.

Kellen has also been blowing and giving kisses. He doesn't blow kisses all the time, you actually only get them once in a while, when Kellen feels like you deserve one. If you already got one, you are not getting another. Kellen loves giving kisses too - nice big slobbery ones!

Kellen also sticks his tongue out and dances on command. Both are pretty funny!

Until next time......

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Choo Choo

On Sunday Jeff took the kids to ride the trains along with his brother, his kids and Jeff's Dad.

Colleen had a great time riding the trains. Mommy asked her if she had a good time and she replied "A lot of the time I was a little bit scared" According to her the wheels were a little scary.

It was nice for Colleen to hang out with her cousins. She has missed Colin. The previous week she kept asking where he was. Saturday night at Sabina's cookout, she kept calling another little boy Colin. (even though his name was Quinn)

All in all we had a GREAT fun packed weekend

Kellen the Fireman

On Saturday we took the kids to the Open House at the local Fire Department.

They had a bunch of fun things for the kids to do. Colleen really enjoyed using the fire hose to put out a pretend fire.

Grandmommy gave Kellen a fireman Halloween costume, so we couldn't resist dressing him up in it to go to the Open House. Kellen LOVED the fire truck and Mommy had a hard time getting him out.

Pumpkin Patch Fun

Saturday morning we took the kids down to the pumpkin patch, so they could pick out their own pumpkins.

This was Kellen's first trip to a pumkin patch and I don't know if he liked it too much, but Colleen LOVED it.

We went to Larriland Farms in Lisbon, Marylan. You can pick your own pumpkins, apples, tomatoes, etc. They also had hayrides, Boo Barn and Haybail Maze for the kids.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kellen's 11 Months Old

Kellen turned 11 months old on Monday.

Time is really flying by so fast!

Picture day at school was also on Monday, so we thought how great, we will dress him up for his 11 month picture.

Well, Kellen didn't really want to get his picture taken, as you can see from the pictures. But he did look so cute all dressed up!

Since we didn't get a great 11 month picture, I decided to take one while he was sleeping!

No...not yet!

Jeff and I found something very frighting last week.

Colleen was in the play room and I asked Jeff to go check on her after a while because she was really quiet.

Jeff whispers that I have to come quickly - that I have to see something.

I look into the play room and I see Colleen with the mirror up to her face. She is looking at her lips and practicing kissing in the mirror!

She is only 3.5 years old, she shouldn't be doing that until she is a teenager.....right?

(Probably doesn't help that I give her Tinkerbell "lip stuff" all the time)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Funny Things Colleen Says

Colleen has been saying some really funny things recently and if I don't write them down, I will completely forget.

  • "Daddy, I can't hear you. You need to speak En-gal-ish." She then proceeds to count from 1 to 10 in Spanish. I don't get it?
  • "Mommy, I didn't do anything not nice to any of my friends today" She was very proud that she had such a good day at school.
  • "Mommy, I will eat my dinner and dessert and then we can go outside for a walk. That is my great deal" Everything has to be a deal. We even have to shake on it
  • "I think I will wear that shirt yesterday" Colleen has been getting her tenses and timing wrong - but it is cute when she does it
  • "Mommy, I didn't spit on the carpet today" She had spit on the carpet the day before at school and got in trouble.
  • "I want to go on vacation, Mommy. Let's go to Target for our vacation." She said this while riding home from school.
  • "Mommy, I knew that answer because I used my brain" Anytime she gets a question right or knows anything, she tells us it is because she has a big brain.
  • "No guys, stay away. My brother is really really sick" This was Colleen's response yesterday when Kellen and I went to pick her up. Her friends wanted to touch Kellen (who only has a cold) and Colleen was fending them off
  • "Cookies, here I come" Colleen was so excited that we had to make cookies one night, that is what she said as she raced downstairs to be Mommy's helper.

I know there are more that I will think of later, but this is all I could remember right now!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Think Kellen Will Figure it Out?

As of this weekend, we have switched Kellen over to sippy cups. (Mommy is so tired of cleaning out bottles and nipples)

So, Saturday night Kellen was fussy and found his paci on his high chair. I heated up the sippy cup for him - which he really wanted.

The dilemma for Kellen was which did he want more? The paci or the sippy cup?

After about 10 minutes, I took out the paci for him.

Clemson Tigers Fall.....

The Clemson Tigers still lost their game versus Georgia Tech, even with the kids showing their support.

Colleen sang Tiger Rag and Kellen tried to find the game on TV with the remotes. Good thing the game wasn't on TV, or else I would have been VERY upset that day.

By the way, the shirt Kellen is wearing is actually Colleen's 4T shirt. Scary that it really doesn't look that big on him!

Naptime At The Table?

Last week we brought Kellen home from daycare and he was so fussy.

We knew he was hungry, but he was still fussy after we fed him. We thought there was no way he could be tired, it was only 6:20pm. So we gave him a bottle and the next thing you know.....we have a sleeping boy at the table.

That same night Colleen refused to eat her dinner, so we said you have to eat dinner or go to bed and she said she wanted to go to bed. That was at 6:35pm

Jeff and I didn't know what to do with ourselves that night. Both kids were in bed by 6:45pm! That NEVER happens!

Mommy's Little Angel

I just couldn't resist taking a picture of Kellen sleeping, holding his hands together.

Funny thing is that I sleep the exact same way! It is nice to know he got something from Mommy!

Kellen's Getting Closer

Kellen is getting closer and closer to walking.

Currently, he spends most of his time "cruising" around the furniture, but sometimes gets a little daring and goes from one piece of furniture to another. (as you can see in the picture)