Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kellen's New Hair Cut

Kellen got a new hair cut tonight - so I had to share the pictures with everyone.
Jeff said the barber stated there were two options with Kellen's hair because of his cowlicks.

Option 1 - let it grow out so it would be long enough to lay down

Option 2 - cut it really short

Jeff told the barber, just make it look good and you can see from the pictures it does!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kids in the Paper!

Colleen's picture in the paper.
The caption says "Above, Colleen Pumphrey (mispelled in paper) 4, of Ellicott City, MD Kept dry from the early rain."
Yes, that is her with her Dora umbrella!

Here is Kellen's picture.

His caption says "Left, this little 2048 presidential hopeful blew kisses to the crowd on his ride down Central Avenue."

Colleen and Kellen made it into the Ocean City, NJ paper for the 4th of July parade!

They had a picture of Colleen with her umbrella up and then they had a picture of Kellen blowing kisses to the crowd. So cute!

I will try and scan the pictures in later so everyone can see!

Happy 1st Birthday, Lucy!

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Lucy celebrated her 1st birthday last week and today we went to her birthday party.

It was great to see the family - it has been a while - and the kids seemed to have a great time playing at the playground and throwing rocks in the water.

Thanks to Landon and Katie for the cookout.

PS - We missed out on pictures since we forgot our camera! Sorry!

How does he sleep like that?

Jeff went in to check on Kellen the other night and was amazed to see the position Kellen was sleeping in.

I know I couldn't sleep like that, but it didn't seem to bother Kellen.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Grandmommies trip to the ER

On our last full day at the beach, we had a very exciting evening.

On the way back from the beach that afternoon, my Mom had taken the steps down from the bathhouse at the beach and landed on her knee funny and thought she her something pop. As the night wore on, the pain she felt got worse and worse.

Finally, her and Mr. Lou headed to the emergency room. A few hours later, she came back and had a huge leg brace on. They won't know until tomorrow what actually caused her pain - but she doesn't mind now.....she is on some good drugs, so she isn't feeling a thing!

When my Mom got back, Colleen did ask "Why does Grandmommy have on the biggest band-aid ever?"

Forget the Family Picture

I had really wanted to get a new family picture at the beach to update the one in the living room, but due to some unforeseen events - it wasn't going to happen.

So instead, we decided to take a few pictures on the back deck

Pizza Time

Kellen waiting for our order
"Is that really all for me?"
Colleen digging in to her slice
Kellen upset because Jeff is cutting up his piece
Kellen taking a big boy bite

While on the boardwalk, we stopped at our favorite pizza place for dinner. You can see from the pictures that the kids LOVED having their own huge slices!

Amusement Fun at the Boardwalk!

Colleen ready for her ride
Riding the antique cars
I'm all ready for the ride!
Colleen loving when the balloon starts to go up.... that same time, Kellen starts crying!
I am trying to comfort Kellen and prevent us from spinning anymore

Colleen going down the Pelican flume

She loved going on the ride all by herself

Kids riding in the boat

Jeff and Colleen riding in the Crazy Submarine

Kellen LOVES driving the fire truck

Because we participated in the 4th of July parade, we got a bunch of free tickets to the amusement park rides at the boardwalk. (Thank you Mr. Police Officer - Colleen was happy he didn't give us real tickets!)

The kids had such a great time on the rides! They enjoyed everyone that they rode - except for Kellen. He didn't like the balloon ride that went up in the air and spun around. I didn't like it either and felt sick the rest of the night. I was trying my best to comfort Kellen - as he was crying - and trying to hold the wheel, so it would stop spinning.

Colleen enjoyed every ride and wanted to keep going on more - but our parking meter was running out of time and we had to go!

Collecting Sea Shells!

Colleen posing for pictures on the rocks

Colleen by the lifeguard boat
Kellen fell asleep while we were collecting shells

See how foggy it is!

You can barely see the pier behind Colleen

One day was a little to yucky to head to the beach to go swimming, so instead we headed up to the beach to collect sea shells
You can see by some of the pictures how foggy it was that morning.

We LOVE Ice Cream!

Kids waiting for menus at A La Mode
"I want this!"
Colleen deciding what she wants
Colleen picked strawberry ice cream - that ironically matches her shirt!
Kellen digging in

Kids in the wagon heading to get ice cream
Kellen trying to get some with his spoon while Colleen is sharing with hers!
"Give me some!"
Kellen "I love ice cream"

Two evenings we decided to walk the kids down the street for a special treat of ice cream. They had such a great time and really enjoyed the special treat.

The first time we got soft serve from Mike's and the kids shared one cup between them. The second time we went to A La Mode and actually sat down inside and enjoyed our ice cream. Colleen was thrilled to get a cone this time!