Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We LOVE Ice Cream!

Kids waiting for menus at A La Mode
"I want this!"
Colleen deciding what she wants
Colleen picked strawberry ice cream - that ironically matches her shirt!
Kellen digging in

Kids in the wagon heading to get ice cream
Kellen trying to get some with his spoon while Colleen is sharing with hers!
"Give me some!"
Kellen "I love ice cream"

Two evenings we decided to walk the kids down the street for a special treat of ice cream. They had such a great time and really enjoyed the special treat.

The first time we got soft serve from Mike's and the kids shared one cup between them. The second time we went to A La Mode and actually sat down inside and enjoyed our ice cream. Colleen was thrilled to get a cone this time!

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