Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rainy Day at the Park

Kellen playing with Finn

All the kids enjoying the yummy ice cream cake!

I love this picture of Sabina with her hair flying and her laughing so hard

Cute picture of Mike and Finn

Another picture of everyone enjoying the ice cream cake

Colleen really loved it and wore some on her jacket!

Today we met up with some old friends and their families at the park on Route 100. Earlier in the week it was looking like it was going to be a great day - Sunny and 70 degrees.....but when today rolled around, what a different story. It was about 62 degrees, windy and rainy!

We still managed to have the kids play on the playground and get tired out before the rain really started coming down. I think we all had a fabulous time. It was so nice seeing the Baurs, the Whittakers and the Gill/Guzeks. We really need to do it a lot more often.

Happy Birthday Sabina! The ice cream cake was so awesome......we all LOVE Jeff for getting that for you.....The kids especially!

We didn't take many pictures, but here are a few that we did - towards the end of the day!

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