Monday, March 24, 2008

Jeff's Trip to Raleigh

Georgetown's 7'2" Roy Hibbert next to UMBC's 5'8" Jay Greene

UMBC's Darryl Proctor going up for 2

Jeff went to Raleigh with some of his friends from college to see UMBC play in their first NCAA Basketball Tournament, versus Georgetown.

He went to a breakfast reception at the team's hotel the morning of the game and saw a lot of the people he used to go to school with and work with in the UMBC Athletic Department.

After that, it was off to the RBC Center to watch Davidson beat Gonzaga before his Retrievers took on Georgetown. UMBC led early, but lost the game, 66-47. We all can't wait until next year to see if the team can improve on its 24-9 record.

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