Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kellen went pee pee on potty!

I went and picked up Kellen at school yesterday afternoon and I was a little surprised to see - written on his daily sheet - "Peed on Potty" in big letters and circled.

I read it a couple times and thought for sure the teachers had written it on the wrong sheet. There is no way that Kellen who is 19 months old - and the BABY of his class - could have gone pee pee on the potty when none of the other kids had.

I asked the teacher about his sheet. Ms. Karla responded "oh, yes he had a great nap". So at this point I knew it must have been a mistake about the other message.

I asked again about the sheet, specifically about the pee pee thing. Then the teachers start telling me all about it! Yes he did go on the potty and they were all so excited! I told them he wasn't ready, but they said he TOTALLY is ready!

The believe it is his new hair cut that is having him act like a bigger boy!

Then this morning, Kellen decided to show Jeff and I that he could do it again! I was SHOCKED to see, with my own eyes, Kellen going pee pee on the potty.

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