Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Colleen remembers EVERYTHING

The funniest thing happened yesterday, so I had to share it.

We were on our way into school and Colleen was fussing that we forgot her baby doll at home and she wanted to go back and get it.

We were already late, so I told her perhaps Daddy could drop it off.

Colleen stopped in her tracks and started crying.

I told Colleen "Hurry up and get inside. Kellen has a poopy diaper and I need to change it!"

Colleen stopped her tears and replied "Mommy, poop is a bad word. You should not say it"

I almost started laughing. I couldn't believe she remembered that I told her not to use the word poop and that she was correcting me!

So I responded "Sorry Colleen, you are right. Kellen has a messy diaper"

She then said "That is good Mommy. Much better!"

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