Monday, January 28, 2008

Potty Training....Already?

No, no, no.....Kellen can't possibly be ready for potty training. He is still my baby, but he thinks he is a big boy and he thinks he is ready.

Recently, he has shown an interest in the potty and insists on sitting and "going potty". Kellen will sit on the potty while the family sings the Pee Pee on the Potty song and when it is over, he grabs the toilet paper and puts it in.

It is so cute - he thinks he is such the big boy.....doing exactly what his big sister does!
**The funny thing about Colleen being a big girl is the fact that she doesn't want to be. Yesterday we took the bed rails off her bed because we said she was a big girl now. Well that lasted for 15 minutes and then she insisted that she needed them because she wasn't a big girl and she was going to stay little forever........if only that were possible!

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