Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Eve Afternoon

Pumphrey Family

Kellen opening present from Uncle Tony

Kellen with Uncle Tony

Kids in their matching PJ's

Leaving cookies for Santa

Christmas Eve afternoon was very busy.

Jeff had to rush home from work so that we could get to church 30 minutes before it started so that we could have a seat. Turns out we didn't make that deadline and ended up having to stand in the back of the church with the other 50+ people who didn't make it either.

After about 30 minutes, the kids had had it and we had to pack it in and go home. Luckily for us, Uncle Tony (Kellen's Godfather) had stopped by and gone to church with us, so it made things a lot easier.

Uncle Tony also gave Kellen an awesome present that BOTH Colleen and Kellen love and won't stop playing with.

After church, we got the kids ready for bed. Kellen couldn't hold out past 7pm, so he hit the hay early. Colleen on the other hand was very excited to watch the end of the Polar Express and leave cookies for Santa.

At bedtime, Jeff and I were with Colleen and Jeff asked her what her Christmas wish was. She replied "For everyone to have good times and that I stay with my family forever" That melted our hearts. Here we were expecting to hear her blurt out toys or something else, and she says the sweetest thing possible

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