Thursday, December 27, 2007

Family at UMBC Basketball Game

The kids sitting with Jeff


Colleen with her elf ears

Kellen shaking the seats

Jeff really wanted to take the kids to a UMBC basketball game this year, so we decided that last Saturday would be the perfect time to go. Students wouldn't be in school, so hopefully the crowd wouldn't be so bad and the kids would be able to sit really close to the action.

When we arrived at the game, we got polariods take with the Retriever mascot, who was all dressed up like Santa. Kellen cried as soon as he sat on his lap. Colleen REFUSED to go near him, so I had to pull her next to him for a quick shot.

We were able to sit 2 rows back on the floor. It was great. Kellen and Colleen sat through the whole entire game!

Kellen would turn around and stare at the students who were yelling behind him. It was very funny to see that. Kellen LOVED shaking the seats when it was time to yell "DEFENSE"

Colleen got to hi-five the Cheerleaders and help Jeff start the "DEFENSE" chant every time Hampton had the ball. By the end of the afternoon, Colleen was a little hoarse from all the yelling she had been doing.

All in all, the game was such a fun time and we will definitely take the kids back again!

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