Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funny Things from the Kids

There are always funny stories from the kids - so here are a few that I can remember right now

Colleen was questioning why she was riding in Jeff's car instead of riding in my car after we picked my car up from the shop. Jeff explained that we needed two drivers to take both cars back home. She then said "I have an idea Dad. We can ride in Mommy's car and pull your car with a long rope"

Kellen has learned how to fish. Not literally, but he undestands the concept. This morning there was something on the table, just out of his reach.....so he took the placemat and moved it under the item and then pulled it back to him.

Now that is smart!

Jeff and I were talking in code - aka Spanish - and Colleen says "Hey Guys! You need to speak English!"

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